The Financial Advice Hotline™ was founded by an
experienced Certified Financial Planner™, MBA Instructor & Financial Lecturer.
"Recognizing the growing need to provide all people with quick, clear and easily accessible financial advice,
we started the Financial Advice Hotline™ to provide access to expertise normally provided only to the very affluent client."
"We wanted to provide our services not only to the general public,
but also to financial professionals serving their own clients, and
to corporate executives communicating employee benefits"
We are readily available to consumers,
business owners, retirees, newlyweds, company executives,
employee benefit and human resources coordinators,
and to financial services professionals who may
need assistance from a Certified Financial Planner™
to better serve their own clients.
We are available 7 Days A Week 8 AM - 8 PM Eastern Time
or leave a message for call-back at a specific time.
Financial Advice Hotline, Inc.
"The advice you need ... When you need it"™
Trust & Integrity